physical healing

Concomitant Healing 

Concomitant Healing deals with healing your physical body from injury or overuse. 

Concomitant means, one follows the other, which in healing terms means that as a practitioner, I treat one point which leads me to the next until all points, including the injured area have been treated.

Concomitant Practitioners do not necessarily begin work on the injured area.  An injury affects other parts of the body and they too need healing so as to allow the main injured part to be able to heal fully and as quickly as possible.

The method of treatment is to apply pressure to precise bodily points using the thumb, forefinger or index finger.

It is a fascinating modality that achieves quick and strong results. Generally, you will feel the benefit immediately.


Sessions are done fully clothed. I recommend that you wear light clothing for your session (no jeans if possible).


Concomitant Healing can be useful for:


~ headaches
~ back pain
~ frozen shoulder
~ neckache
~ arthritis
~ knee problems
~ physical trade aches and pains
~ workout and sports injuries injuries
~ carpal tunnel


Sessions are  50 mins  |  $90


Book an appointment.